We aim for Zero Waste
This means we try to have as little as possible that ends up as landfill – (rubbish that has to get buried in dumps on our precious Earth)
The Clan Village has a central recycling station facilitated by our amazing Waste-ED crew who make it possible for us to deal responsibly with the masses of waste generated by so many people.
How to deal with your waste
- Try to keep packaging to a minimum when planning and packing for your trip.
- Your campsite must have 3 buckets. Compost, Recycling, non-recycling.
- Once your buckets are full, head on over to the lively depot, (next to the ablution block) where we sort waste into what is useful, what can go to a recycling centre and compost to be buried – see pictures below.

Candice Mostert and Matt Baker are a dynamic young couple dedicated to the re-education of waste management in Cape Town. They have co-created a company called WASTE-ED www.waste-ed.co.za.



Leave no trace
We challenge ourselves to camp as consciously as possible on the land and leave the venue without a trace of us being there.
Before leaving the venue you must do a thorough check for anything that you, or others may have left lying around.
Please do not put any nails in the trees when erecting your site. Trees don’t like that. Nor do we.
See the stats below showing how much waste was produced and dealt with, at the gathering in 2018