

Learning Clan is a bring-your-own-food situation as self-sufficiency is the aim.
There are no vendors selling food for cash as you would find at other festivals

However… if you love to cook, and would like to earn some Talents, then share your skills and make a meal, have a little restaurant or juice bar or coffee shop. You would have to buy your ingredients in cash, but then selling it in Talents will give you a way of earning Talents to spend on other people’s offerings.

Everyone loves to eat ready-made food, especially after camping for a few days. Post on the notice board what you’ll be offering, where and when and your price in Talents.

People are expected to bring their own bowls and forks so no need to provide wasteful packaging. They also take care of their own washing so you can keep the prices nice and affordable 🙂


Another option is to offer a demonstration on how to cook outdoors without electricity, or any healthy ways of eating.

Anyone keen to run a communal kitchen?

We usually have a communal kitchen that can be hired for those without cooking gear.  It is always well used each year.
We are looking for a group of friends to host this kitchen this year.  It would need a fairly large waterproof tent with tables, wash basins, a gas cooker, a fire place, a few pots and pans and general kitchen items. You can hire it out for Talents every day.